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Nighthawk - The Ghost of the Skies Emerges

In the shadowy realm of aviation history, one aircraft stands out as a ghostly enigma - the Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk, often dubbed the "Stealth Fighter." It made its debut in operational service in the dark alleys of 1989, its existence known to only a few, with its role limited to the invasion of Panama. But it wasn't until the fiery tempest of the first Gulf War in 1990-91 that this enigmatic bird of prey emerged from the obscurity, captivating the world.

Adorned with striking faceted angles across its entire body, the F-117 was a master of illusion, sporting a minuscule radar cross-section that rendered it nearly invisible to enemy detection. Cloaked in layers of radar-absorbing material (RAM), the specifics of which remain shrouded in secrecy to this day, this aircraft remained a mystery, with analysts speculating about its construction, whispering of ferromagnetic particles encased i...

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